Azam Raharjo did this interview two years ago.
This interview was published in Japanese Studies Dept. Student Board Magazine, Cultural Studies Faculty of Gadjah Mada University as a small article about indie music in Japan. This interview also published as an one of the article (translated to Indonesian) of Lightning Sheets--an indiepop photo-copied fanzine managed by Fajar Martha.
This was written before texas pandaa release their 'Down in the Hole' album.
Here's the interview with Nadehiko of texas pandaa via email.
The interview was written in both English and Japanese. Nothing is changed except some typos and grammatical mistakes (some might be still there)
1. Our first question is, Why 'texas pandaa' name? How did you get that name?
→「TEXAS PANDAA」という名前はどこから来ているのですか?
It's a long story with no deep meanings... We started out our band as a hobby/cover band. The band was called Texas Banjo Gurentai - "Texas" because we like steaks, and "Banjo Gurentai (total hoodlums)" because we were all mean little kids. The Japanese have this wierd habit of shortening words (e.g. we are often called "teki-pan" short for texas pandaa) so we were called "teki-ban" back then. "ba" and "pa" look quite alike in Japanese letters so most people got confused and started calling us "teki-pan" which eventually became Texas Pandaa. Two "a"s just because we liked the laid-back-nothing-serious look of the word Hawaii, which has two "i"s.
2. How did you guys get together and play music together in this band? What's the story?
We all went to same unviersity in Tokyo and that's where we met. Asako (guitar & vocals), Mikiko (bass & chorus), and Kaz (guitar) were in the same grade. Nadehiko (drums) is several years senior. We were members of the same music "circle" (after-school-activity-groups common in Japanese schools) during our university years. We were just a hobby band, covering songs for fun.
3. Could you please tell us about your influence in music?
When we were playing as the fore-mentioned hobby/cover band, we often covered The Sundays, The Darling Buds, Lisa Loeb etc, mainly female vocals - naturally. We were right in the middle of the so-called "Alternative Music" movement when we started out, and that's where we mostly got our influences from.
コピーバンドをやっていた時は、良く「The Sundays」や「The Darling Buds」などのイギリスのインディーズバンド、そしてLisa Loebなど、主に女性ボーカルのポップバンドをコピーしていました。わたしたちは丁度「オルターナティブ・ミュージック」というジャンルが最盛期の頃にバンド活動を始めたので、そのジャンルのバンドたちにたくさん影響を受けました。
4. To each member of texas pandaa : 'who/what's your favourite mainstream and indie musicians? What music that you're listening in to lately?
Asako: The Sundays, The Darling Buds, David Lynch, etc
Mikiko: Lisa Loeb, spangle call lilli line, natsumen etc
Kaz: REM, Coldplay, Mercury Rev, Yo La Tengo, etc
Nadehiko: swervedriver, Aimee Mann, etc
There's tons of bands we listen to - mostly foreign bands, some Japanese indies, but we rarely listen to any Japanese mainstream artists.
アサコ:The Sundays, The Darling Buds, David Lynch, etc
ミキコ:Lisa Loeb, etc
カズ:REM, Coldplay, Mercury Rev, Yo La Tengo, etc
なで彦:swervedriver, Aimee Mann, etc
5. What's the story behind your music and songwriting?
→TEXAS PANDAAの曲の背景や、曲の作り方を教えてください。
Asako and Mikiko usually come up with partial ideas (e.g. Suddenly: then we spend hours and hours, often extending well into months, jamming and finalizing it into a song. Most ideas are triggered from actual personal experiences - sad and heart-breaking. They are directly reflected in the lyrics.
When the songs are finalized, then we do a pre-production recording by ourselves to check how we should proceed with the actual recording. This again takes several weeks to months. We need this process in order to make sure we would be able to record our songs efficiently without having to make big adjustments during the actual recording. Recording studios are quite expensive!
We often fight a lot about the vocals - which notes to use, what kind of tone the songs should be sung in, how a word should be pronunciated etc etc - even after the song itself has been fixed. We don't want to do that at the actual recording.
6. Have you guys ever had the opportunity to play outside of Japan? If so, where?
Only once - in Taiwan, 2008. We were invited to play the opening act for Yo La Tengo.
1度だけ、2008年に台湾でライブをやりました。Yo La Tengoのオープニング・アクトとして誘われたのです。
7. If you had the opportunity to play again outside of Japan, where would you like to go?
Anywhere! We would love to visit all kinds of places and meet our fans outside Japan. But realistically speaking, it's quite difficult since we all have our day jobs, and transportation with all our gears could become quite expensive...
8. So you're going to release your next album, "Down in the Hole". Could you please tell us about the preview, sneek-peek, or the story behind about that album ?
→『Down in The Hole』というアルバムが近日リリース予定ですが、このアルバムについて、少し背景などを紹介してください。
Our fans might be a little surprised at how pop "Down In the Hole" became. We are often referred to as "shoegaze music" but that is not how we think about ourselves recently. We have reached a point where we came to think of ourselves as more of a vocal/chorus-oriented band, so we wanted to make an album that transcended such image. We have put much time in vocal/chorus recording compared to our previous guitar-oriented albums.
『Down In the Hole』を聴いて、そのポップさに今までのファンの多くは驚くことと思います。わたしたちはしばし「シューゲーザー」と呼ばれますが、最近はそのように呼ばれることに居心地の悪さを感じています。わたしたちはむしろボーカル/コーラスに重点を置くバンドだと思っているのです。なので、今作は「シューゲーザー」というイメージを払拭するアルバムにしたいと考えていました。今までのようにギター・レコーディングに多くの時間を割くのではなく、ボーカル/コーラスにほとんどの時間を費やしました。
9. What do you think about the mainstream music scene in Japan ?
I think mainstream music is boring. Almost every song is "cut out" and "predictable" and digitalized, and the lyrics are so naive. It's not fun. The indie scene is much more exciting for those who care a lot about music.
10. Last one, what's your message to any Texas Pandaa listeners outside of Japan ?
Thank you all for your support! It is such an honor for us to be listened to overseas, and we are 120% grateful. You are the ones who kept us moving for all these years. Down In the Hole would never have seen the light of day if not for the constant encouragement from you guys. Your encouragements were lifesavers on many a dark night. Please invite us to play in your country! Thank you so much!
みなさま、いつも応援してくれてありがとうございます!海外でわたしたちの音楽が聴かれているのをとても光栄に思っています。みなさんのあたたかい声援が、わたしたちの原動力となっています。Down In the Holeも、みなさんからの絶え間ない声援の賜物です。わたしたちが落ち込んでいる時や、進むべき路に迷っている時、みなさんのあたたかい言葉がいつも励みになっていました。ライブにも呼んでください!ありがとう!
texas pandaa
For more informations about texas pandaa,
visit their website :
or myspace :
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texas pandaa |
They posted the article for the Japanese Studies Dept. Student Board Magazine on their facebook, here's the link of the photos :
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